Monday, June 1, 2009

Video Luna Maya lagi Ganti Baju

Luna Maya initiated his career as a catwalk model stars, and then develop themselves in the role of art, whether film or sinetron. Achievements menonjolnya as a model is as terpilihnya Luna Star Lux 2006.

Titled debut film, 30 DAYS MENCARI CINTA (2004), where in the film, Luna antagonis role as Barbara, a girl and a beautiful idol section. Although a small role in the film, Luna is considered a success.

Luna returned a year later involved in the film Brownies (2005). As in the previous film, landing in the film director Hanung Bramantyo this, Luna still get a small role. Luna get a new key role, when the film star Bangsal 13 (2005) portray the character Mina.

Name Luna the rebound in the world of entertainment, while a role in the film CINTA SILVER with Rima Melati and Catherine Wilson.

In addition to films in the top, former boyfriend Fachry Albar, the film star also ROOM, Jakarta Undercover, Alexandria and MESSAGE from heaven.

Even in 2006, the film successfully deliver ROOM himself nominated in the category Film Festival of India Women's Open.

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